Гели помогают поддержать выносливость во время тренировок или гонок, дать организму порцию энергии, предотвратить усталость и повысить мотивацию
С Major вы сможете быстро восстановить запас энергии благодаря высокому содержанию углеводов, содержащихся в глюкозе и фруктозе.
Глюконовая кислота поможет ускорить метаболический процесс и улучшит гидратацию организма.
А технология капсулирования углеводов Hydrocarb снизит риски возникновения дискомфорта в ЖКТ
Отзывы спортсменов
Daniel Visser
Projects manager
The principal element of Suprematism in painting, as in architecture, is its liberation from all social or materialist tendencies.
Synthia Smyth
We were just building stuff 'cause we thought it was cool. I do remember having these specific conversations with my friends where we thought, you know, someone is gonna build this.
Agatha Morris
Sales manager
Elestory is a big team of professionals and very responsible people. We started working with Elestory 3 years ago, and every year their business program becomes better. They maintain their best level.
Daniel Visser
Projects manager
The principal element of Suprematism in painting, as in architecture, is its liberation from all social or materialist tendencies.
Synthia Smyth
We were just building stuff 'cause we thought it was cool. I do remember having these specific conversations with my friends where we thought, you know, someone is gonna build this.
Agatha Morris
Sales manager
Elestory is a big team of professionals and very responsible people. We started working with Elestory 3 years ago, and every year their business program becomes better. They maintain their best level.
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